If you do not have students at the elementary school, here is how it works. A family will call the nurse at the middle school to become part of the program. On Friday before they leave school for the day their child will receive a backpack of food to take home. This food is to help cover the time between school lunch on Friday until they receive their breakfast on Monday morning. The child returns the empty backpack on Monday and it is refilled again for the next Friday to go home with the child after school. This cycle continues throughout the school year.
If you would like your child to be a part of this helpful program, please call the middle school at 603-895-3394 ext. 4186 (nurse). She will keep track of any allergies and make sure the request is honored. Please be assured that no embarrassing questions will be asked and all names are kept confidential.
If you would like to donate food, they are looking for these kinds of donations:
6-10 serving package of nutritional cereal
2 serving can of soup or pasta
peanut butter- 18 oz. plastic jar
jelly- 20 oz plastic jar
canned tuna/chicken
cans of fruit
macaroni and cheese (boxes)
ramen noodles (no cups)
nutrition bars
If you would like to donate your time, any of the above items, or money, please call our Program Coordinators: Sara Gates or Tanya Martin at 603-706-2584. The District's collaboration with this program is just one small way in which the Raymond School District supports our families. To learn more about this program go to: end68hoursofhunger.org
I would also like to encourage any eligible families to apply for our confidential free and reduced lunch program. Forms for this program can be found at: