Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Wish

This week starts the season of big family dinners, gifts, visits to relatives, days off from school, and the arrival of winter.  It is a mad rush from now until January!  I love it all and look forward to seeing friends and relatives that I have not seen for a while.  I love seeing children who are excited about the first snow, Santa, festive lights, fancy desserts or playing with their cousins.

Most of all, I enjoy taking the time to reflect on how lucky I am.  Whatever issues or problems I might have faced over the year, I know I always have something for which to be thankful.  It might have been the time my son made it home from Iraq, or my niece buying her first home, or my grandson getting a clean bill of health, or any of the many experiences and events that make up our lives.

My wish is for all of you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with many good times over the coming days. And I hope that you have many, many wonderful reasons for which to be thankful.