Thursday, January 22, 2015

Project Safeguard

Last week our 7th grade students attended a program called, "Project Safeguard" at the Seacoast School of Technology in Exeter.  This program is sponsored every year by the Raymond Coalition for Youth as part of their efforts to help our students make good choices.  The flyer from the Coalition states:  Project Safeguard "is an offsite conference addressing current issues impacting teenagers today with a focus on providing them correct information to help them make positive healthy choices for their future. Class sessions offered address peer pressure, self-esteem, alcohol, tobacco and drug education, media messages, Internet safety, and communication between parents and students."

This conference for our 7th graders has taken place for the last 7 years at the SST!  I am most impressed with how each year this program has kept current and addressed topics of interest to our students.  This year, there was information about social media such as Facebook, up-to-date information on advertising gimmicks, and trends the police are seeing.  So different from topics of 7 years ago!  Of course there was also information on tobacco and the mixed messages to which our teenagers are exposed.  The best part is, parents are also encouraged to attend and hear about the confusion surrounding marijuana, as well as, the truth about such things as e-cigarettes.

I spoke with some 7th graders to find out what they thought about the day.  Here are some quotes.

"I loved the police officer who spoke to all of us [Detective Labell]."
"It was such a fun day."
"I really learned a lot- some stuff I thought I knew but didn't."
"The cookies were awesome- I guess I should say something else, because I did have fun."
"I liked meeting the teenagers who are a part of the Coalition, because I am part of them at the middle school." (The middle and high school both have an Action Team sponsored by the Coalition.)
"I can't wait to go to SST when I am in high school".  (The facility really impressed our 7th graders.)
"I loved it!"  (Many students answered exactly like this.)
"It was fabulous."  (Quote from a teacher who chaperoned the event.")
"I loved the 'Dope Show'!"  (Many students loved this Jeopardy style game.)
"The stuff about ads- did you know they try to get you to buy things?"

A big thank you goes to Celeste Clark and the Raymond Coalition for Youth, all of their supporters, and presenters at this event and for the many things they do to help our students make those good choices. Follow the link below for a nice article on this event.

Article Link: