Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bring 'Em Back

The high school recently invited several Alumni back to be part of a panel discussion with our juniors.  This 'Bring 'Em Back' event is in its second year at the high school and is well received by our students:  providing them with a small taste of life after high school.  This year's event featured students who were in various stages of their lives and schooling.  At the panel I attended, one student was a stay-at-home mom; one was a senior in college; two students were freshman at college; and two students were sophomores.  They all had different stories to tell about their experiences.  One of the freshman lives at home and commutes to college while also holding down a job while another student attends a college in upper state New York and only gets home on vacations. Their experiences were as varied as our students!

Our high school students were very attentive, showed great enthusiasm, and asked some really good questions- they wanted to know what it is like "out there".  I think many of our students realized that they will all end up in different places and it is important to know as much as possible about the choices and options they have before high school is over. 

Students asked question about everything: from how to get along with a roommate to concerns about classes to questions on scholarship opportunities.  The alumni also spoke about such things as working and studying (time management) and what its like to come home as an adult after being away at school. Lots of things that none of us thought about while in high school ourselves!  A big thank you to Liz Koch and Randy Lacasse for putting together this wonderful event for our students.