Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Drug Abuse Forum

This Wednesday, March 11, the high school will be the site for a forum on drug abuse.  This forum is seen as a need due to the increase in drug use (especially heroin) in our area and throughout southern New Hampshire.  Everyone I know knows someone or some family who has been touched by drugs: the statistics show that 1 in 6 people are connected to someone affected by this epidemic.  The hope is that this forum will provide families with resources, help, and most importantly, hope.  A list of medical experts will explain what addiction is and what signs and symptoms to look for or be aware of.  Most importantly, they will explain the options that exist for treatment, recovery and support.

The team who put together this forum have the following  goals for the evening:
  • To reach youth, families and community members with the message that drug abuse touches everyone and prevention will begin when we start talking about this issue. 
  •  To connect people struggling with addiction or have a loved one or friend who is in need of services:  everyone should know they are not alone and that help and support are available. 
This evening has been planned in partnership with Lamprey Health Care, the Raymond School District, the Raymond Police Department, and the Raymond Coalition for Youth.  Our guest speakers represent Seacoast Mental Health, Exeter Hospital, The ROAD, Merrimack River Medical Associates, and Southern NH Services.  In addition, there will be tables of information provided by area agencies including:  The Granite House of Derry, The ROAD, Seacoast Mental Health, Drug Free NH, HOPE NH, Bon Fire, FASTER, Lamprey Health Care and more.

For an informative and helpful evening, please plan to attend this forum in the high school cafeteria from 6:00-8:00 on March 11, 2015.