Tuesday, December 20, 2016

College Preparation at RHS

My name is Shawna Stilian, the College and Career Counselor at Raymond High School, and I have the pleasure of writing a guest blog this week to let you know a little bit about what I do here in Raymond and what the students have been working on.

This is a new position here at the high school, it has definitely been a learning experience for me, but it has been a wonderful experience so far meeting all of the students and helping them to discover what could be next for them after high school.

Some of the things we have done in preparation for college are:

     Classroom lessons on using Naviance to apply for schools and navigating the Common Application.
     College Information Sessions by local College Admission Counselors.
     “I Am College Bound Event.” This event was held in November in the media center, where students submit applications with the help of local college admissions counselors. Students were able to ask all of the questions they needed as well as have their applications and essays reviewed by the people who will actually read their college application when the time comes. A majority of the New Hampshire colleges and universities waived their application fee that day.
     We had 72 students participate in the event
     With 161 total applications submit
     And 147 fee waivers used with a savings of around $7,000 dollars for our students.
     Students have attended college fairs put on by UNH
     Students attended a College Access Convention with workshops on:
     Money for College from Financial Aid experts from NHHEAF
     Inside the Admissions Offices: What Colleges Look For
     Student Panel Presentation with current students from local 2-year and 4-year schools sharing their experiences and answering questions.
     A tour of Southern New Hampshire University
     FAFSA Filing and Financial Aid presentations
     Students have been working on their applications along with applying for scholarships, requesting teacher recommendations, filling out transcript release forms, going on college tours, listening to college information sessions from college representatives here at the school, taking the SAT and SAT Prep classes and so on.
     Some students are now receiving their acceptance letters and it is great to see all of their hard work paying off.

In the future we will have:
     SAT Prep Classes put on by Reach High Scholars
     State SAT testing for Juniors
     College Tours
     Junior Family College Overview
     Spring College and Career Fair
     And many more events for students to stay on track with college applications.

Some extra things I would like to mention are:
     Dual Admission: This is a great program put on by the local Community Colleges and University System of New Hampshire. If your student is not sure what they want to do yet, or whether or not they are ready for a 4-year institution, or just really want to save some money the first two years of college, they should really consider the Dual Admission Program. Students can spend two years at any of the participating Community Colleges in NH at a very large discount from the state tuition. After two years the student will have an associate’s degree and will automatically be transferred (with no need to reapply) into their choice of a participating 4-year institution to complete their bachelor's degree. The student must have the required credits and maintain a GPA of 2.5 for most programs, but it gives your student a chance to get used to college courses and figure out what they want to do without spending the tuition of a 4-year state school right away. Any questions you can check out the website http://www.dualnh.com/

     SAT Prep Boot Camp for Juniors: The Reach High Scholars Program and Academic Approach will offer a winter SAT boot camp for Juniors. The NH Dept. of Education will use the April 5th mandatory SAT test as a statewide assessment for all juniors. Although they will be used for statewide assessment, students can use these scores to send to colleges when they start applying senior year. By taking the SAT boot camp for the mandatory (and free) SAT, you will help to improve your student’s scores while minimizing the amount of times they will have to take and pay for the SAT over senior year. This boot camp can help raise your score and make your reach school that much more accessible.
     The course starts on January 7th and has ten class sessions and three diagnostic tests before the SAT on April 5th.
     The fee for the SAT Boot Camp is $450 (compared to courses other places run $650-$1000) and has possible reduced prices based on household income.

     Please come see me in the School Counseling office for an application or email me at s.stilian@sau33.com and I can email the informational letter and application to you.