Friday, January 6, 2017

Making Decisions

I have a new perspective on the New Year this year.  I always see it as a time to reflect and to also decide if I really need that New Year's Resolution!  This year I was much more introspective as I had been out sick for several weeks.  There's nothing like being confined to bed to get one thinking!  Some of what I thought about included:
  • Families- how important they are to our general well-being.
  • My children- all at a good place in life and making me feel much better about tough parental decisions I'd made while they were young!
  • My grandchildren- what will life be like for them as adults- are we creating enough educational experiences for them to be successful?  
  •  Life after retirement- am I really going to like this? or will I regret this difficult, emotional decision?
I also realized that our entire lives are filled with making decisions- some easier than others. We've all had those, "OH, no, what was I thinking?" moments, as well as, times when we made a decision that was well-thought out.  Over the next month, the people of Raymond have many difficult decisions to make concerning their town and their schools.  Once I have all of the information needed to help everyone make these thoughtful decisions, I will be writing about the warrant articles that you will see this year.  These are important determinations and I hope that many, many voters will turn out to vote and to make these decisions.