This is an announcement of some upcoming meetings that might interest you. We are deep into the budget process and have worked very hard on the budget for the 2017-2018 school year, as well as, other warrant articles that voters will see on the ballot in March.
This week, the Budget Committee voted on two items: the operating budget for the next school year in the amount of $23,893,248. The vote was Yes-5, No- 0 and Abstain-2.
The Budget Committee also voted on the bond to build an addition to the elementary school in the amount of $9,425,000. The vote was Yes-4 and No-3.
The Budget Committee has not finished their work and there are upcoming meetings this next week. At 6:00 on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, there is a Public Hearing on the bond for the elementary school addition. Members of the Building Committee and the Contractor will be there to give a presentation and answer questions. This meeting will take place in the high school Home Economics room 109 (on the bottom floor of the high school near the cafeteria).
On Thursday, January 19, 2017 the Budget Committee will deliberate on the rest of the School District's Warrant Articles that include: a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the RESS (our support staff); Capital Reserve Funds; and the Undesignated Reserve Fund.
In the coming weeks, I will be writing in depth on all of these items.