This blog completes the School District portion of the Warrant Articles you will see at the Deliberative Session on February 4, 2017 in the high school cafeteria. At that meeting, citizens have an opportunity to "deliberate" on the Warrant Articles. The final version of these Warrant Articles will go to the voters on March 14 in the middle school gym.
Warrant Article Number 4 is a vote to approve a new Collective Bargaining Agreement with our support staff: paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, payroll, financial assistant, and food service workers. This contract is for two years and includes changes to their current health insurance plan. The total cost of this agreement in year one is $86, 114 and in year two, $78, 528- a modest amount for the wonderful services these employees provide.
(Recommended by the School
Board: Yes-5; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget
Committee: Yes-3; No-2)
Warrant Article Number 6 asks voters to approve spending $214,000 from the Capital Reserve Funds for some needed maintenance work and other items to include: upgrading two bathrooms at the elementary school; purchase math books; and upgrade our wireless system. The cameras at the elementary school would increase from 24 to 40 and would be digital instead of analog -similar to the high school and middle school cameras. These cameras are a part of our District’s safety plan. This warrant article amount is the same amount requested last year from the voters.
(Recommended by the School
Board: Yes- 4; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget
Committee: Yes-5; No-1)
(Recommended by the School Board:
Yes-5; No-0)
(Budget Committee vote on recommendation:
Yes-3; No-3)
Warrant Article Number 9 is an advisory article for the School Board and asks the voters whether they approve the outsourcing of our food services. The School Board would like to hear from the voters on this topic.
As always, I am thankful to the citizens of Raymond for their support and for voicing your opinion by voting on these important warrant articles.