Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Rest of the Story (School District Warrant Articles for 2017)

This blog completes the School District portion of the Warrant Articles you will see at the Deliberative Session on February 4, 2017 in the high school cafeteria.  At that meeting, citizens have an opportunity to "deliberate" on the Warrant Articles.  The final version of these Warrant Articles will go to the voters on March 14 in the middle school gym.

Warrant Article Number 4 is a vote to approve a new Collective Bargaining Agreement with our support staff:  paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, payroll, financial assistant, and food service workers.  This contract is for two years and includes changes to their current health insurance plan. The total cost of this agreement in year one is $86, 114 and in year two, $78, 528- a modest amount for the wonderful services these employees provide.
(Recommended by the School Board:  Yes-5; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee:  Yes-3; No-2)

Warrant Article Number 5 asks voters to approve a special meeting if Number 4 is defeated.

Warrant Article Number 6 asks voters to approve spending $214,000 from the Capital Reserve Funds for some needed maintenance work and other items to include: upgrading two bathrooms at the elementary school; purchase math books; and upgrade our wireless system. The cameras at the elementary school would increase from 24 to 40 and would be digital instead of analog -similar to the high school and middle school cameras. These cameras are a part of our District’s safety plan.  This warrant article amount is the same amount requested last year from the voters.
(Recommended by the School Board:  Yes- 4; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee: Yes-5; No-1)

Warrant Article Number 7 asks the voters to approve $50,000 to be placed in the Equipment, Facilities Maintenance, and Replacement Capital Reserve Fund from the undesignated fund balance at the end of the school year.  This Capital Reserve Fund is the one in which we pay for all of our maintenance projects costing more than $10,000 and includes everything from furnace work to painting to grounds keeping to repairs and replacement of plumbing fixtures! If something goes wrong in the district- it usually falls on maintenance to take care of it.  This would allow us to begin building a savings fund for those unexpected emergencies that seem to happen at the worst times (just like in our homes!).
(Recommended by the School Board: Yes-5; No-0)
(Budget Committee vote on recommendation: Yes-3; No-3) 

Warrant Article Number 8 concerns a resource that we have been working on with the town of Raymond over the last year.  Raymond is in need of replacing the current water sources in town and a viable supply of pristine water has been found on high school property.  The School Board is asking the voters to approve an easement between the School District and the town of Raymond in order for this well project to go forward.

Warrant Article Number 9 is an advisory article for the School Board and asks the voters whether they approve the outsourcing of our food services. The School Board would like to hear from the voters on this topic.

As always, I am thankful to the citizens of Raymond for their support and for voicing your opinion by voting on these important warrant articles.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Warrant Articles for 2017 Voters' Consideration

The School District has several Warrant Articles for the voters to consider this year. I would like to explain each of these (other than the first warrant article which is the election of Board members) to give everyone an idea of how these warrant articles originated and some information on the details of each article.  This week, I will write about two of the warrant articles and will continue this next week.

Warrant Article Number 2 is a request for a bond to add an addition at the Lamprey River Elementary School that consists of 12 classrooms and a gym. If this is approved, the portables will be removed and space will be available for special education needs, guidance offices, physical education classes, and the nurse's office.  Some renovations will also be done to the entrance and office area.  The "temporary" portables (some of these are over 30 years old!) will be gone and will no longer be an expense (rental fees and maintenance issues).  The bond amount requested is $9,425,000.
The Building Committee has determined the following reasons for asking for this bond:  overcrowding, lack of special education areas (four teachers share a room and meet with students in the hallway); some physical education classes held in classrooms (after students move desks and chairs out of the way); inadequate nursing facilities (no facilities for special needs students and no shower); closets that are being used for guidance offices; and drop-off and pick-up issues.  Add to these issues is that LRES was built completely in a flood plain.  The plan calls for flood proofing the original building with a FEMA approved dry flood proofing material. The new addition will be built out of the flood plain and in accordance with the town regulations. The discussion about the elementary school has been on-going for many, many years and this warrant article provides voters with an opportunity to be a part of the discussion.
(Recommended by the School Board:  Yes-4; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee:  Yes-4; No-3)

Warrant Article Number 3 concerns the Raymond School District’s Operating Budget.  This is the money raised each year to pay salaries and benefits, purchase supplies and books, and buy everything else from food to heating oil to electricity!  The Operating Budget for the 2017-2018 school year was approved by the School Board and the Budget Committee at $23,893,248.      
This huge number comes after much work on the part of the Principals, the Facilities Director, Food Service Director, Special Education Director, Technology Director, the Superintendent, our School Board, the Budget Committee, and our Business Administrator, Ron Brickett, who begins the process by calculating the cost of the district employees.  This includes all employees from administrators to teachers to special education aides to kitchen help to custodians.  Our schools are a business and all of these wonderful employees help us to be successful.
Next, we look at expenses for the coming year.  For the 2017-2018 year our largest "bill" is contractual obligations- those things we must pay due to contracts we have signed.  This includes such things as transportation costs; student tuition for both special education students and those who attend the Seacoast School of Technology; and rising health insurance costs.  We also have to take our best “guess” about the cost of oil, electricity, insurances, and unanticipated emergencies such as snow removal, furnace repairs etc. When all the increases were added together it came to $718,290 over the current budget!  After making cuts and adjustments, the budget that is proposed is an increase of $365, 447 (a 1.6% increase) over the current year’s budget. All of the department administrators worked extremely hard to create a budget that provides the best education for our students at the lowest possible cost.  If this does not pass, the default budget will be $23,864,888.
(Recommended by the School Board:  Yes-4; No-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee:  Yes-5; No-0; Abstain-2)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Coming Next Week

This is an announcement of some upcoming meetings that might interest you.  We are deep into the budget process and have worked very hard on the budget for the 2017-2018 school year, as well as, other warrant articles that voters will  see on the ballot in March.

This week, the Budget Committee voted on two items:  the operating budget for the next school year in the amount of $23,893,248.  The vote was Yes-5, No- 0 and Abstain-2. 

The Budget Committee also voted on the bond to build an addition to the elementary school in the amount of $9,425,000.  The vote was Yes-4 and No-3.

The Budget Committee has not finished their work and there are upcoming meetings this next week.  At 6:00 on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, there is a Public Hearing on the bond for the elementary school addition.  Members of the Building Committee and the Contractor will be there to give a presentation and answer questions.  This meeting will take place in the high school Home Economics room 109 (on the bottom floor of the high school near the cafeteria).

On Thursday, January 19, 2017 the Budget Committee will deliberate on the rest of the School District's Warrant Articles that include:  a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the RESS (our support staff); Capital Reserve Funds; and the Undesignated Reserve Fund.

In the coming weeks, I will be writing in depth on all of these items.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Making Decisions

I have a new perspective on the New Year this year.  I always see it as a time to reflect and to also decide if I really need that New Year's Resolution!  This year I was much more introspective as I had been out sick for several weeks.  There's nothing like being confined to bed to get one thinking!  Some of what I thought about included:
  • Families- how important they are to our general well-being.
  • My children- all at a good place in life and making me feel much better about tough parental decisions I'd made while they were young!
  • My grandchildren- what will life be like for them as adults- are we creating enough educational experiences for them to be successful?  
  •  Life after retirement- am I really going to like this? or will I regret this difficult, emotional decision?
I also realized that our entire lives are filled with making decisions- some easier than others. We've all had those, "OH, no, what was I thinking?" moments, as well as, times when we made a decision that was well-thought out.  Over the next month, the people of Raymond have many difficult decisions to make concerning their town and their schools.  Once I have all of the information needed to help everyone make these thoughtful decisions, I will be writing about the warrant articles that you will see this year.  These are important determinations and I hope that many, many voters will turn out to vote and to make these decisions.